Particles In The Air

One of the most important jobs AC units or air purifiers do is clear the air of the various particles that float around. You may not realize just how much unseen contaminants float through your home every day, which is why keeping up with air conditioning repairs is important. Some of these contaminants may even be causing you allergies and symptoms without you even realizing it.
What's In The Air
Depending on the activity or the occupants of the property, there are a lot of different contaminants that can be hanging in the air. For regular homes, dust and dirt will naturally accumulate, but with pets, there's dander and possibly bedding and dry food that sends more particles and bacteria into the air, especially ones that can cause allergic reactions.
If the area is used for construction or crafts, there may be fumes and fragments of whatever materials are being used that get sent into the air as well. Paint, wood, cloth, metal, cleaning chemicals all can pollute the air with unwanted particles.
Cleaning The Air
Many regular AC units have a simple filter that takes out the larger particles from the air. However, air purifiers can remove smaller particles as well as disinfect the air from bacteria making it extremely clean and safe to breathe. This can be especially important for certain individuals who have a more sensitive immune system.
Professional Help
Keeping the air clean is an important part of staying healthy and keeping your home a healthy place. With our air conditioning repairs experts, we can clean your vents and even install purifiers if you want the air in your house to be free from debris.
HVAC Tips & Tricks
Prevent Allergies
As professionals who handle air conditioning repairs, we cannot stress the importance of clean indoor air enough when it comes to preventing allergies. Even if you don't have allergies yourself, keeping the air safe and sanitary is good for your health overall and is good to […]
Particles In The Air
One of the most important jobs AC units or air purifiers do is clear the air of the various particles that float around. You may not realize just how much unseen contaminants float through your home every day, which is why keeping up with air conditioning […]